Jay Saldana, Founder
A deal is only good if it's good for everyone.
- Jay Saldana, Founder

Brief History

Of American Edge

American Edge Corporation was founded by Jay Saldana in his basement in 1992 with $1,600. He used that money to purchase a small selection of knives from a bankruptcy sale. With tireless work and ambition, Jay, and his wife, Leah, built the business into what it is today. In 2003, Jay quit his part-time job to go into the knife business full-time. In 2005, American Edge was incorporated and continued to grow every year. In 2013, we moved from the basement of Jay’s home into our current location next door that houses a showroom, warehouse, workshop and offices in a 3,600 sq ft building…

American Edge Corporation was founded by Jay Saldana in his basement in 1992 with $1,600. He used that money to purchase a small selection of knives from a bankruptcy sale. With tireless work and ambition, Jay, and his wife, Leah, built the business into what it is today. In 2003, Jay quit his part-time job to go into the knife business full-time. In 2005, American Edge was incorporated and continued to grow every year. In 2013, we moved from the basement of Jay’s home into our current location next door that houses a showroom, warehouse, workshop and offices in a 3,600 sq ft building. In that same year, we also made the switch from jaysknives.com to americanedgeknives.com in a rebrand to be more inline with our business name, as well as the changing times. Over the years, our selection and love of knives has grown dramatically to include knives of all types; both new production and vintage collectibles. I, Jordan Saldana (Jay’s Son) had the privilege of growing up in the knife business and learning all about it from my dad. As a kid, I always traveled along with him to the trade shows and my passion for knives grew as I did. After a few years of part-time work during my high school years, I chose to come on full-time as the Operations Manager when I graduated in 2010. I am so glad that I did and I am grateful for the time I had to work in this business with my dad. When he passed away in 2018, my wife, LeNeigh, and I purchased the business and together we run American Edge. We are both so proud to carry on my father’s legacy and we hope to pass it on to the next generation when our time is done.

HISTORY OF AMERICAN EDGE as told by the Founder, Jay :

“Still the proprietor after 21 years, I, Jay Saldana, formed the business American Edge (originally a sole proprietorship) after being laid off for 10 months with no great job prospects. It all began when I signed up for school in the sales marketing program so that I could start my own business. I made this decision because I had worked several jobs where there was promise of more money and no follow through. I figured that I couldn't do any worse. During school, I had to have a part time job, preferably in the sales.So, I answered an ad for Vector Marketing, the sales arm of the Alcas Corp., who make the high-quality, American-made, Cutco kitchen cutlery. I was guaranteed a large amount of money if I did the required number of sales calls. Unfortunately, Vector would call my potential customers and disqualify the appointment if they answered a question different than they thought they should. While the job wasn’t all that I was promised, I did learn quite a bit about sales and that the cutlery industry intrigued me. Shortly after, and I’m not sure why, a list of knives from a bankruptcy sale for The Cutlery World was sent to me. At this time, I had $1600 already set aside for a business start up. Instead, I took the money and bought a bunch of the coolest knives off of the list, and started selling them. I thought that maybe if my Vector sales leads did not want or need an expensive cutlery set, they may want a pocket or hunting knife. Then, I started to get creative. I put a display together and started selling my knives at motorcycle shows because I am an avid motorcycle enthusiast. This was all during my time in school.

After I finished my first 9 months at the St. Cloud Technical College, I applied for and received a Minnesota sales tax number for myself. It was then that I started a DBA account to do business as the American Edge, a sole proprietorship set up July 1, 1992, just a few short months after my first child, Jordan, was born. My first show on the books was just a few days later in Runnels, Iowa over Fourth of July. I had gone into the business knowing that the biggest part of growth comes from being present. While I might not sell to someone today or tomorrow, the longer that I’m there, the better chance that I would have of selling them something sooner or later.

When I began college, I had originally thought about having a website. I had signed up for 7:00am computer class to help me with it, but found it was hard for this night owl, so I struggled to pass the class with a C- (the worst grade I had gotten since going back to school!) While that C- was not great, my grade point average was still 3.75 my first year, and I am quite proud of that because I had never done that well in all of my prior schooling. At that point in time, I was doing shows to make money and thought, “Who needs the internet anyways?” So instead, I traveled for 10 years and went to trade shows- doing from 25 to as many as 35 shows a year!

Through the personal connections and lifelong friends that I had gained through the trade shows, I continually grew my business every year, and I had learned quite a bit in the process. It wasn’t until about seven years in that I finally bought a home computer and revisited the thought of starting a website. So I did some research and was approached by a company that offered to build a website with free, lifetime hosting for a fair deal. Little did I know, when they said they would build the site, they really meant that they would put whatever I sent them on the website. This led to a year of my site, buyknives4u.com, coming up “under construction.” I thought that having my own site was going to be cool until I received a letter saying the company who was building my website, was filing bankruptcy. They gave me the option to keep my domain name, but it was going cost more money- more money than I could afford. After that experience, I was a little gun shy. Then, it dawned on me. I remembered that there was a man, Jon, who would show up at the trade shows, and continually offer to build a website for me. Jon did not have much couth, but he was persistent. Eventually, Jon showed me his work and his database of how he started helping this other guy make sales. The website that Jon had made, started with sales here and there, and before he knew it, the website owner was over $100 thousand in sales in a year! I thought, “Wow! If he can help that guy, he has to be able to help me too!” After we bartered over the price for a while, the new website, jaysknives.com, was begun at the end of April 2002 and went live in 2003. After Jon had begun his work in 2002, I went home to prepare for a motorcycle trip to the west coast with my long time friend, Vern.”

Meet The Team

Jordan Saldana

Jordan Saldana

Co- Owner / CEO > read bio > collapse bio
LeNeigh Saldana

LeNeigh Saldana

Co-Owner > read bio > collapse bio
Ethan Bluhm

Ethan Bluhm

Operations Manager > read bio > collapse bio
Jordan Saldana - Owner / CEO

Meet Jordan Saldana, one of the owners and CEO of American Edge. Jordan had the privilege of growing up in the knife business and learning all about it from his dad and founder of American Edge, Jay Saldana. As a kid, Jordan traveled along with Jay to trade shows, where his passion for knives grew as he did. After a few years of part-time work during his high school years, Jordan chose to come on full-time as the Operations Manager when he graduated in 2010. When Jay passed away in 2018, Jordan and his wife, LeNeigh, joined forces to run all aspects of American Edge. Jordan is proud to carry on his father’s legacy, and he hops to pass it on to the next generation when his time is done.

Jordan has lived in the same area in Minnesota his entire life. Jordan and his wife, LeNeigh, are high school sweethearts who have been married since 2013 and have 4 beautiful daughters. In his spare time, Jordan enjoys shooting, relaxing at home, watching shows or movies, playing cards, and traveling to see the sites.

Current main EDC: CKF Rotten Evo 4.0 DLC or Microtech Mini Hera

Favorite Knives: Sharknivco Waka, Eustler Dukling

LeNeigh Saldana - Office Manager / Marketing

Meet LeNeigh Saldana, one of the owners of American Edge. Before joining the team, LeNeigh worked in the customer service industry, providing top-notch customer care in an upscale salon. LeNeigh’s loyalty and determination to grow the salon’s business made her the perfect fit to help grow the family business after the founder of American Edge and her father-in-law, Jay, passed away. With LeNeigh’s help, not only have our online sales grown through our social media campaigns, but she has gotten us involved in different, local networking groups- bringing in more and more local business! Her bright and outspoken personality continues to help our business grow. LeNeigh currently runs our office and our social media.

LeNeigh and Jordan are high school sweethearts who have been married since 2013 and have 4 beautiful daughters. LeNeigh enjoys social gatherings with friends-especally a good round of Top Golf, camping and lake days, making memories with her girls, and volunteering in the coffee shop at her church.

Current main EDC: ProTech TR-3 Integrity or Microtech Mini Hera

Favorite Knives: Microtech Hera, G&G Hawk Deadlock, Pro-Tech TR-3

Ethan Bluhm Operations Manager

Meet Ethan Bluhm, the operations manager and right hand man at American Edge.

My name is Ethan Bluhm, I first got into knives in 2018 when a co-worker sold me a Benchmade bedlam dirt cheap. Since then the love and passion has grown. I went from collecting a few knives to anodizing and modding the knives in my collection and upgrading them several times. In December of 2022 I was lucky enough to be blessed with the opportunity to come work part time at American Edge. I truly enjoy all aspects of the industry, and love being able to work in a field that is also a passion of mine. In July of 2024 I became full time and took on the operations manager role. I now do everything from inventory management, website listings, mod shop work, sales, and helping with shipping. I like to stay up to date on what is happening the industry and I hope to continue to grow in my role here at American Edge. I am married with 3 children and hold 2 full time jobs working 7 days a week that keep me very busy. In my free time I to enjoy hunting, fishing, archery, and board games.

Current main EDC: Microtech Mini Hera

Favorite Knives: ProTech Malibu, Eustler DUK or Neutralizer, OZ Machine Roosevelt

Visit Our Showroom

Come visit our beautiful showroom just north of St. Cloud, MN right off of Hwy 10. We have 25+ displays with well over 5,000 knives on hand in store from many of your favorite brands. Our selection is always growing and we pride ourselves on having the biggest assortment of knives in Minnesota. From knives of all types, Gear, Tools, Merch, to offering professional knife services, such as sharpening, customization, and some cleaning/repair services, we’ve got something for everyone!

American Edge
9000 Indian Road NW
Rice, MN 56367
Showroom 1
Showroom 2
Showroom 3
Showroom 4