Jot Singh Khalsa Custom Boot Dagger Ivory, Ironwood & Damascus
Proudly made in the USA
Beautiful genuine ivory & ironwood handle, the ivory has a thin crack in it that was filled with appoxy and looks pretty good. Real nice damascus double edge dagger blade with logo etch on the tang. Nickel silver double guard and awesome rope patern accent above the guard. Really nice high quality dagger made in Millis, Massachusetts U.S.A. by custom knife maker Jot Singh Khalsa. Comes with a custom Roger Mudbone Jones leather sheath, this sheath is hand tooled and has a dyed elephant hide inlay.
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Jot Singh Khalsa Custom Boot Dagger Ivory, Ironwood & Damascus
Proudly made in the USA
Beautiful genuine ivory & ironwood handle, the ivory has a thin crack in it that was filled with appoxy and looks pretty good. Real nice damascus double edge dagger blade with logo etch on the tang. Nickel silver double guard and awesome rope patern accent above the guard. Really nice high quality dagger made in Millis, Massachusetts U.S.A. by custom knife maker Jot Singh Khalsa. Comes with a custom Roger Mudbone Jones leather sheath, this sheath is hand tooled and has a dyed elephant hide inlay.